
Dropdowns are a great way to display a list of items in a compact manner.

Basic Dropdown

A basic dropdown has an icon or a title and a list of items (actions).

= daisy_dropdown(title: "Click to Open") do |dropdown|
  - dropdown.with_item do
    = link_to "Ruby", "https://www.ruby-lang.org", target: "_blank"
  - dropdown.with_item do
    = link_to "Rails", "http://www.rubyonrails.org", target: "_blank"
  - dropdown.with_item do
    = link_to "Hotwire", "https://hotwired.dev/", target: "_blank"

Custom Title

You can pass in your own title element to the dropdown. The role and tabindex attributes are automatically added to the title element for you.

= daisy_dropdown do |dropdown|
  - dropdown.with_title do
    = daisy_button(icon: "heart", title: "Favorites", css: "btn-primary")

  - dropdown.with_item do
    = link_to "Ruby", "https://www.ruby-lang.org", target: "_blank"
  - dropdown.with_item do
    = link_to "Rails", "http://www.rubyonrails.org", target: "_blank"
  - dropdown.with_item do
    = link_to "Hotwire", "https://hotwired.dev/", target: "_blank"

Fully Custom Dropdown

If no items are provided, the dropdown will simply output any content you provide, meaning you can completely customize the dropdown content.

Note that you'll need to add the dropdown-content class to the content.


Here is some text which will be hidden by the dropdown. We have a lot of extra space below this so you can see the dropdown in action.

You can also click on the Stat item (or focus it using your keyboard) to keep the dropdown open.

.flex.flex-col.items-end{ class: "max-w-[500px]" }
  = daisy_dropdown(css: "dropdown-end dropdown-hover") do |dropdown|
    - dropdown.with_title(css: "group") do
      = daisy_stat(css: "w-60 bg-base-100 border border-base-300 group-focus:border-info rounded-lg",
          title: "Places to Visit", description: "Hover to see more.") do
        = number_with_delimiter(1208)

    = daisy_card(css: "mt-2 w-72 dropdown-content bg-base-100 shadow-xl") do |card|
      - card.with_top_figure css: "aspect-video", src: image_path("landscapes/beach.jpg")

      %p Such a beautiful beach!

      - card.with_actions(css: "mt-2 justify-end") do
        = daisy_button(css: "btn-primary") do
          Book Travel

      Here is some text which will be hidden by the dropdown. We have a lot of
      extra space below this so you can see the dropdown in action.

      You can also click on the Stat item (or focus it using your keyboard) to
      keep the dropdown open.
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