Below is a very simple modal example!
Modals are used to display content that requires user interaction. They are typically used to display forms, alerts, or other content that requires user input.
= daisy_modal(title: "Simple Modal") do |modal|
- modal.with_activator do
= daisy_button(css: 'btn-primary', html: { onclick: "document.getElementById('#{modal.dialog_id}').showModal()" }) do
Open Modal
Here is some really long modal content that should go well past the
spot where the close icon appears...
- modal.with_end_actions(css: "flex flex-row items-center gap-2") do
%form{ method: :dialog }
= daisy_button do
%form{ action: "", method: :get }
%input{ type: "hidden", name: "submitted", value: "true" }
= daisy_button(css: "btn-primary") do
- if params[:submitted] == "true"
You submitted the modal!