
Here are some simple collapse examples.

Basic Collapse

Collapses are transparent by default and add additional padding.

Click to Open
This is the content of the collapse.
= daisy_collapse(title: "Click to Open") do |collapse|
  This is the content of the collapse.

Arrow & Plus Collapses

You can apply the collapse-arrow or collapse-plus CSS modifiers directly to each collapse.

Click to Open
This is the content of the arrow collapse.
Click to Open
This is the content of the plus collapse.
Code{ class: "w-[400px]" }
  = daisy_collapse(title: "Click to Open", css: "bg-base-100 border border-gray-200 collapse-arrow") do |collapse|
    This is the content of the arrow collapse.

  = daisy_collapse(title: "Click to Open", css: "bg-base-100 border border-gray-200 collapse-plus") do |collapse|
    This is the content of the plus collapse.

Advanced Collapse

You can also customize the collapse with any HTML you desire!

User Profile
Jane Oliver
= daisy_collapse(css: "collapse-arrow bg-gray-100") do |collapse|
  - collapse.with_title(css: "collapse-title bg-gray-300") do
      = heroicon_tag("user-circle", class: "h-6 w-6")
      %strong User Profile
    = daisy_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-1.jpg"))
      .text-xl.font-bold Jane Oliver
      .italic jane@oliver.test
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