Carousels are great for showing off a lot of images!
You can use the Carousel component to display a collection of images.
- photos = Rails.cache.fetch("unsplash_landscapes") {"landscape") }
- unsplash_link = "{Unsplash::Client.connection.utm_params.to_param}"
= daisy_carousel(css: "h-96 gap-x-2 rounded-lg") do |carousel|
- if photos.empty?
%p No photos found.
- photos.each do |photo|
- carousel.with_item(css: "relative") do
= link_to photo.links.html, target: "_blank" do
= image_tag(photo.urls.regular, alt: photo.alt_description, class: "rounded-lg h-96")
.absolute.bottom-2.left-0.right-0.flex.justify-center{ class: "bg-base-100/90" }
Photo by
= link_to, photo.user.links.html, class: "link hover:text-black", target: "_blank"
= link_to "Unsplash", unsplash_link, class: "link hover:text-black", target: "_blank"