The Swap component allows you to quickly swap between two icons, images, or HTML elements with a simple click.
The simplest use of the Swap component is to toggle between two emojis. You can even add various animations!
You can also use the Swap component with Hero Icons. The following example toggles between various icons.
You can also use our special hero_icon
helper which accepts
the css
property and all other options that our custom
components accept.
- sizes = "size-16"
= daisy_swap(checked: true) do |swap|
- swap.with_on do
= hero_icon "pause-circle", css: sizes, variant: :outline
- swap.with_off do
= heroicon_tag "play-circle", class: sizes, variant: :outline
= daisy_swap(checked: true) do |swap|
- swap.with_on do
= heroicon_tag "bell-alert", class: sizes + " animate-bounce text-purple-600", variant: :outline
- swap.with_off do
= heroicon_tag "bell-slash", class: sizes + " text-gray-400", variant: :outline
- # The standard tooltip hover doesn't work with the swap element well, so we
- # force it open for this example.
- #
- # Also, the tooltip seems to change the spacing, so we add some top margin
- # to keep the icon centered vertically.
= daisy_swap(css: "text-blue-600 mt-1") do |swap|
- swap.with_on do
.tooltip.tooltip-right.tooltip-open{ data: { tip: "Dollar" }}
= heroicon_tag "currency-dollar", class: sizes, variant: :outline
- swap.with_off do
.tooltip.tooltip-right.tooltip-open{ data: { tip: "Euro" }}
= heroicon_tag "currency-euro", class: sizes, variant: :outline
You can also use the Swap component with custom HTML elements. The
following example toggles between a stop sign, a go sign, and a slow sign
(when you click the Make Indeterminate
- shared_classes = "p-8 mask text-center font-bold"
= daisy_swap(css: "swap-rotate", checkbox_html: { id: "stopsign" }) do |swap|
- swap.with_off do{ class: shared_classes } Stop
- swap.with_on do{ class: shared_classes } Go
- swap.with_indeterminate do{ class: shared_classes } Slow{ onclick: "document.getElementById('stopsign').indeterminate = true" }
Make Indeterminate