Toasts are used to show a message to the user that is not critical, but important. They are often used to show a message that is not part of the main content flow and can be dismissed by the user.


Currently, the Toast component does not include any JavaScript to handle showing / hiding the toast. We plan to implement a basic Stimulus ToastController in the future.

Basic Toasts

The Toast component is a simple wrapper that positions it's contents at various spots on the page, usually in the bottom right corner.


These toasts will appear at the bottom right of the entire page.

  These toasts will appear at the bottom right of the entire page.

= daisy_toast do
  = daisy_alert(icon: "check-circle", css: "alert-success text-white") do
    Yay! Something went well!

  = daisy_alert(icon: "exclamation-circle", css: "alert-error text-white") do
    Uh oh! Something went wrong...
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