Menus are used to display a list of options for users to choose from.

Basic Menu

Menus typically contain a list of links or buttons that users can click. The styling is very minimal, just adding a hover effect.

= daisy_menu do |menu|
  - # Menu Item Group with a title keyword argument
  - menu.with_item(title: "Group 1") do
    = link_to "Item 1 - 1", "#"

  - # Menu Item Group with a title as the first positional argument
  - menu.with_item("Group 2") do
    = link_to "Item 2 - 1", "#"
  - menu.with_item do
    = link_to "Item 2 - 2", "#"

Horizontal Menu

Menus can be displayed horizontally by adding the .menu-horizontal class to the menu. They can also have icons, disabled / active items, and many other options.

We can't actually disable the link since the HTML spec does not allow that (instead you should generally just make it text). However, we can disable the link with CSS and use .pointer-events-none to ensure it cannot be clicked. You may also want to add tabindex: -1 to your link to ensure it cannot be focused with the keyboard.
= daisy_menu(css: "menu-horizontal") do |menu|
  - menu.with_item do
    = link_to "Item 1", "#"
  - menu.with_item(disabled: true) do
    = link_to "Item 2", "#", tabindex: -1
  - menu.with_item do
    = link_to "Item 3", "#", class: "active"

Nested Menus

Menus can also contain nested menus. This is useful for organizing a large number of options.

- icon_options = { css: "size-4 mr-1 text-slate-600", variant: :mini }
= daisy_menu(css: "bg-base-100 border border-base-300 rounded-lg shadow-md") do |menu|
  - menu.with_item do
    = link_to "#" do
      = hero_icon("home", **icon_options)
  - menu.with_item do
    = link_to "#" do
      = hero_icon("bell-alert", **icon_options)
  - menu.with_item(title: "Parent") do
    = daisy_menu do |menu|
      - menu.with_item do
        = link_to "Child 1", "#"
      - menu.with_item do
        = link_to "Child 2", "#"
      - menu.with_item do
        - icon_options[:css] += " !text-yellow-500"
        = link_to "#" do
          Child 3
          = hero_icon("bolt", **icon_options)
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