Here are some examples showcasing chat bubbles.
Chat bubbles are used to display messages in a structured way. They can contain text, user images, a header, and a footer.
= daisy_chat do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
- chat.with_bubble do
Hey Marcia! How are you doing?
= daisy_chat do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-3.jpg"))
- chat.with_bubble do
I'm doing great! How about you?
= daisy_chat do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
- chat.with_bubble do
I'm doing great too! Thanks for asking.
= daisy_chat do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-3.jpg"))
- chat.with_bubble do
That's great to hear!
- chat.with_footer do
Read 10:45 AM
= # Custom content messages
= daisy_chat(css: "chat-end") do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(icon: "user", icon_css: "text-yellow-400")
- chat.with_header do
Unknown Number (555) 883-1234
- chat.with_footer(css: "text-red-600 mt-1 flex items-center gap-x-2") do
= heroicon_tag("exclamation-triangle", variant: :outline, class: "h-4 w-4")
Failed to send
Who dis? Why am I in this group chat?!
Chat bubbles can be colored to differentiate between different users or types of messages.
= daisy_chat do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
- chat.with_bubble(css: "chat-bubble-accent flex items-center gap-x-1") do
= heroicon_tag "map-pin", class: "w-5 h-5"
Started sharing her location.
= daisy_chat do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
- chat.with_bubble(css: "bg-base-300 text-base-content") do
Hey Marcia! How are you doing?
= daisy_chat(css: "chat-end") do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-4.jpg"))
- chat.with_bubble(css: "chat-bubble-primary") do
I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa
= daisy_chat do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
- chat.with_bubble(css: "bg-base-300 text-base-content") do
Maybe this will help!
= daisy_chat do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
- chat.with_bubble(css: "chat-bubble-success text-base-200") do
= heroicon_tag "currency-dollar", class: "w-12 h-12"
Jill sent you <strong>$50</strong>.
= daisy_chat(css: "chat-end") do |chat|
- chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-4.jpg"))
- chat.with_bubble(css: "chat-bubble-primary") do
Wow, thanks! ❤️