Chat Bubbles

Here are some examples showcasing chat bubbles.

Advanced Chat

Chat bubbles are used to display messages in a structured way. They can contain text, user images, a header, and a footer.

Hey Marcia! How are you doing?
I'm doing great! How about you?
I'm doing great too! Thanks for asking.
That's great to hear!
Unknown Number (555) 883-1234
Who dis? Why am I in this group chat?!
  = daisy_chat do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
    - chat.with_bubble do
      Hey Marcia! How are you doing?

  = daisy_chat do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-3.jpg"))
    - chat.with_bubble do
      I'm doing great! How about you?

  = daisy_chat do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
    - chat.with_bubble do
      I'm doing great too! Thanks for asking.

  = daisy_chat do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-3.jpg"))
    - chat.with_bubble do
      That's great to hear!
    - chat.with_footer do
      Read 10:45 AM

  = # Custom content messages
  = daisy_chat(css: "chat-end") do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(icon: "user", icon_css: "text-yellow-400")
    - chat.with_header do
      Unknown Number (555) 883-1234
    - chat.with_footer(css: "text-red-600 mt-1 flex items-center gap-x-2") do
      = heroicon_tag("exclamation-triangle", variant: :outline, class: "h-4 w-4")
        Failed to send

      Who dis? Why am I in this group chat?!

Colored Chat

Chat bubbles can be colored to differentiate between different users or types of messages.

Jill Started sharing her location.
Hey Marcia! How are you doing?
I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa
Maybe this will help!
Jill sent you $50.
Wow, thanks! ❤️
  = daisy_chat do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
    - chat.with_bubble(css: "chat-bubble-accent flex items-center gap-x-1") do
      = heroicon_tag "map-pin", class: "w-5 h-5"
        Started sharing her location.

  = daisy_chat do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
    - chat.with_bubble(css: "bg-base-300 text-base-content") do
      Hey Marcia! How are you doing?

  = daisy_chat(css: "chat-end") do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-4.jpg"))
    - chat.with_bubble(css: "chat-bubble-primary") do
      I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa

  = daisy_chat do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
    - chat.with_bubble(css: "bg-base-300 text-base-content") do
      Maybe this will help!

  = daisy_chat do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-2.jpg"))
    - chat.with_bubble(css: "chat-bubble-success text-base-200") do
        = heroicon_tag "currency-dollar", class: "w-12 h-12"
      Jill sent you <strong>$50</strong>.

  = daisy_chat(css: "chat-end") do |chat|
    - chat.with_avatar(src: image_path("avatars/lady-smiling-4.jpg"))
    - chat.with_bubble(css: "chat-bubble-primary") do
      Wow, thanks! ❤️
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