Here are some examples showcasing cards.
Cards are used to display information in a structured way. They can contain images, text, and actions.
Such a beautiful beach!
Such a beautiful beach!
= daisy_card(css: "max-w-96 bg-base-100 shadow-xl") do |card|
- card.with_top_figure css: "aspect-video", src: image_path("landscapes/beach.jpg")
%p Such a beautiful beach!
- card.with_actions(css: "mt-2 justify-end") do
= daisy_button(css: "btn-primary") do
Book Travel
The images (figures) can be on the top or the bottom!
Such a beautiful place!
Such a beautiful place!
Such a beautiful place!
Such a beautiful place!
Such a beautiful place!
Such a beautiful place!
Such a beautiful place!
Such a beautiful place!
- pics = ["beach", "forest", "mountain-river", "desert"]
- pics.each.with_index do |pic, i|
= daisy_card(title: pic.titleize, css: "max-w-96 bg-base-100 shadow-xl") do |card|
- if i % 2 == 0
- card.with_top_figure css: "aspect-video", src: image_path("landscapes/#{pic}.jpg")
- else
- card.with_bottom_figure css: "aspect-video", src: image_path("landscapes/#{pic}.jpg")
%p Such a beautiful place!
- card.with_actions(css: "mt-2 justify-end") do
= daisy_button(css: "btn-primary") do
Book Travel